अखिलभारतीया शास्त्रीया स्पर्धा


Shalaka Pariksha” is a Indian traditional method of very transparent system of examination, in which the whole textbook has to be learnt by the student for appearing in the examination. It is believed that knowledge which is gathered for examination only, is not useful at the time of need and the knowledge which has been learnt thoroughly is useful when one needs. That is why there has been concentration on learning the whole textbook in this examination. It is a very transparent system of examination as the whole examination is conducted publicly. There is a head examiner for the examination, assisted by two other examiners, who are basically the scholars of the subject in which the examination is conducted. Each examiner has a stick in his hand which is called ‘Shalaka’. The book in which the examination has to be conducted is declared in advance and is kept at the table of the examiners sits the student and in front of them the people sit. The examination is conducted in three round -- learning, lecture and question-answer session. Under the first round one of the examiners pushes the stick in any page of the book and reads out the first line of that page. The examiner portion of the chapter has to be narrated by the student before all. When the first examiner satisfied then the other examiner too repeat the same procedure. The similar procedure is repeated in the second and third rounds. The Shalaka Pariksha track of competition will be conducted in following topics:
